
Who am I

I am a life form stuck on earth. I am also a marketing professional. I help brands tell their stories and connect with their audience. This is my blog where I share my everyday stories and random musings.

What I do for living

Before marketing products and services, I earned my bread and butter as a financial accountant in Bangalore. Keeping track of money was nice, but I realized I got a better high, while presenting ideas and stories to my team. Thanks to an awesome boss, I was put on our internal communication team where I created brand awareness emailers every day. All was well until, a series of unfortunate events broke my heart, my bank balance and my health. Back home in Calicut, with my family and my cats, I had become a total NINJA ( No income, No job or assets :P). With nothing to lose, I tried a new trade that paid me to talk more and narrate stories.

I started out as a freelance content writer. Some paid in money, most in experience. Over the years, I have written about different things from web content for property services, resumes, obituaries, rental agreements, blogs on urinary tract infections, E-mailers to product descriptions for bikes that I’d probably never ride. Now, I feel more like an early land dwelling life form that is still evolving. As marketeer, I handle content, PR and some inbound-sales stuff. I have worked on brand positioning, community building, events,  digital and social media campaigns. I want to say the transition so far was smooth and perfect. But that’d be a giant lie. There were bumps, struggles and hard lessons. There will be more if you are trying to get anywhere in life. Funny part is, I think I am still learning and evolving at both personal level and professional level. Trying my best to survive like the early ugly fishes who walked on land.

BTW, am still figuring out life. If you get the plot, do let me know
BTW, if you figure out life and get the plot, do let me know.

My History

I am told that my ancestors are farmers from Thalassery. There are no farmers or farmland in our family anymore. We are all a bunch of wanna be farmers with weird jungle like gardens full of animals, birds and awkward plants that grow everywhere like green monsters. Growing up as an only child, I am told that I was a selfish, evil prick. As a grownup, I want to say the story has changed. But I have a theory that once you see life without the rose tinted glasses, you can’t un-see it and you have less tolerance for bullshit.  I find animals more well behaved and trust worthy than humans. Because that’s true. My species sucks in general and my planet is probably fucked as well. Among the favorite animals in the family, there was Grandma’s brown hen, Kaalu the black dog  from Ludhiana who loved Chawla Chicken. Snippy, our pet dog was the the most loved and least controversial member of the family. All that now seems like ancient history. Now, everyone loves my dad’s evil cat that’s been alive for over 100 years and it hates my guts.

My People

As a child, I was puny and watched too many cartoons. Liked watching jet planes, painting walls with muddy wet socks (I thought the patterns were trippy. The house owner cried, I think.), petting animals, making imaginary friends and doing just about anything except staying still and studying. School sucked when I was a kid. I am not going back to find out if things have changed. I don’t blame the 90’s for the overdose of TV and music. They were epic. That did not help much at school especially when you have to shift schools every three years thanks to parents who are always on the move. PT class sucked! Thank god, I could run fast and think on my feet.

My other interests include food, wine, old movies, music, travel and good reads. I am a reformed shopaholic with a new found interest in cooking. Although people hate it, street dogs and few cats love it. I want to add something exciting to the list like bungee jumper or biking but man, I suck at sports!

Dodgeball: Scaring the shit out of puny kids since 1980's
Dodge ball: Scaring the shit out of puny kids since 1980’s

I have grown old. Seriously I have grey hair and old people knees and back that makes me curse every time I bend down. I have survived schools (several of them to be precise), embarrassing life experiences, friendships, fights, bad jobs, bad bosses, financial turmoils, broken bones and broken heart. And here I am, adulting. Still trying to get my shit together. And occasionally blogging about it.

Hope you find something interesting or nice. Enjoy Reading! 🙂

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